No matter how old you are, please consider inviting your grandparent(s) to Mass at 8:30 AM or 11:00 AM. We celebrate family and the importance of grandparents in our lives. There will be hospitality after both masses at Martin Hall. Please text or email a picture of you with your grandparents to Linda to be included in a slide show presentation in Martin Hall.
Sprinkle a little more flour on, Grandma would say. After a few more sprinkles, together, we would knead the dough. Today, whenever I smell the spicy scent of cinnamon, those special days of
Baking bread with Grandma comes back to life. Grandparents have a way of putting a bit of spice in our lives. Inviting me to pray with them, I often witnessed their relationship with their close friend Jesus over the years. Inviting me to go fishing with them, I often witnessed their patience with each other, which helped me better understand the importance of prayer in their lives.
Moments forever rendered in my mind often come to me at Mass, where I feel the closeness of my grandparents as I pray. Reassured through their Eucharistic faith, they shared with me the power and the glory of Jesus Christ. Together, we pray at God’s heavenly banquet. Let us reach out daily to intentionally be the spice that we sprinkle into the lives of our Grandparents and all the Elderly in our midst.