As the Constitution on the Liturgy states:
“The Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’ is their right and duty by reason of their baptism.”
In response to this high call, we recognize our obligation to offer liturgical celebrations which engage the community in mind, body, heart and spirit. We strive to accomplish this through the active participation of many individuals in a variety of liturgical ministries.
Lectors are members of the parish who proclaim the Word of God in our parish liturgies. The role of Commentator, a ministry separate from that of the Lector, is one of welcoming the community at the beginning of liturgy, reading the intercessions in the Prayer of the Faithful, and making any announcements. Training sessions, workshops and renewal opportunities are provided for both of these liturgical ministries. Interested adult and high school parishioners wishing to develop the skills needed for these ministries are welcome at any time.
These ministers are confirmed members of the parish who are commissioned for a 3 year period to assist with communion. Some ministers also bring communion and the prayers of our faith community to the sick and to those confined to their homes. New ministers are generally trained on a 3 year cycle. The newly confirmed are trained each year.
These ministers assist the assembly in sung prayer at our parish liturgies as cantors, accompanists, members of ensemble groups and instrumentalists. New youth and adult music ministers are welcome at any time.
This ministry is open to families or individuals who wish to present the gifts of bread and wine on behalf of the Assembly at our parish liturgies. Gift presenters are welcome at any time. You can sign up for this ministry on the Ministry Schedules page.
These ministers help enhance the worship experience at SJTW by running the screens at Mass. They help make sure hymn lyrics, prayers, readings and announcements appear the on the screens above the Altar in a timely manner for the congregation. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, contact Adam Mumm at [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 563-588-1433.
These ministers devote their efforts to creating a worship space that speaks of the liturgical season being celebrated-one of sacredness and hospitality. They work closely with the Liturgy Committee. New ministers are welcome at any time.
This ministry is available to girls and boys of our parish, beginning in the 5th grade. Young people desiring to assist at our liturgies in this special way must attend training sessions as well as periodic updates.
These ministers welcome all who come to worship, receiving the offerings of monetary support, assisting worshippers during the communion rite, and being available to help with any emergency which may arise during the liturgy. Men and women interested in getting involved in this ministry are welcome at any time. On the second Sunday of each month, some of our high school youth also join the adults in this important ministry of welcoming.
These are the ministries of parish volunteers, both young and old, which are part of our liturgical celebrations. They include participation in the Sprinkling Rite during Easter season; Gospel Processions in Christmas and Easter seasons; and Candle Bearers at the liturgies for Remembrance of the Deceased. Also included are volunteers to assist with setting up worship environments during liturgical seasons, and making telephone contacts to schedule participation by those who have indicated a desire to be part of these ministries.
Many members of the parish offer assistance to families at the death of a loved one. When a death occurs, family members meet with someone on the Parish Staff to make arrangements for the vigil service, funeral liturgy, and burial. During the funeral liturgy, parishioners are available to assist as Music Ministers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Servers, and Ministers of Hospitality. New funeral liturgy ministers are always welcome. If a funeral dinner at the parish is desired, the family secures a caterer to provide the meal. Families wishing to arrange a funeral dinner, or parishioners willing to assist in this ministry please contact the parish office by calling 563-588-1433.
If you would like to minister in one of these areas, contact Dick Beaves:
Phone: 563-588-1433
Email: [email protected]