If you are interested in becoming a catechist, contact Linda Frommelt:
Phone: 563-588-1433
Email: [email protected]
Your DRE will assist you. Inservices are provided throughout the year that deal with effective teaching techniques.
Textbooks approved by the Archdiocese are designed for the non-professional teacher. Teaching manuals are user friendly and have a multitude of ideas on how to prepare and present lessons.
The role of catechist in not based on a professional background in theology, rather, the ability to share faith, live faith, and journey with young people as their faith develops and matures.
Resources are available through your DRE and the Archdiocese. You will learn together with the young people.
Your DRE and catechist colleagues can offer ideas on how to encourage and maintain a positive and respectful learning environment.
Each parish provides local inservices yearly, and there are two inservices provided by each DIOCORE (deanery wide collaborative efforts). Lesson preparation time outside the classroom is necessary.